Estimated time needed: 2 minutes
Roles required: Any aiLegal user
aiLegal is a cloud-based SaaS contract automation platform. Clio is a legal practice management platform. The aiLegal and Clio integration makes it seamless for law firms to automat and manage contracts and documents with aiLegal to select matters in Clio anytime, anywhere. aiLegal automats and monitors document generation, approval, e-sign, e-pay, search and track, analysis, reminder, audit and storage.
Watch a one-minute video for the "How to Integrate aiLegal with Clio".
Follow step by step instructions below if you want a detailed explanation.
Step 1: Log in aiLegal portal and click "Integration" on left side bar.
Step 2: Click link icon beneath "Action" section.
Step 3: You'll be directed to Clio's website to log in with your Clio credentials.
Step 4: Click "Allow Access" button to authorize aiLegal's integration with Clio.
Step 5: You are all set. The integration status with Clio is now displayed as "Enabled".